From Humble Beginnings

SLAN is not a new concept or organisation, not by any stretch of the imagination. SLAN builds on the previous successes of events such as 'Gunditjmara LAN' (hosted in the Tiningi Centre in Bligh Park), 'LAN PHAT' (hosted at the conference centre on UWS Richmond campus), and of course the many other nameless events of the same vane.

SLAN has evolved over the years. Originally hosted as a small LAN group in one of the members dining rooms, it has undergone considerable growth and success. There was a time that SLAN was a household name - a monthly event. These days, SLAN has shrunk to a small but dedicated member base. These devoted souls convene sporadically to dedicate whole weekends to the SLAN cause. This small group of people have kept the dream alive, and kept the fires of SLAN burning brightly into the future.

So what goes on at SLAN?

Generally, SLAN includes gaming. This traverses many areas, from Computer and Console gaming, to board gaming, card gaming, and of course drinking games. This usually occurs in this order.

Other activites include movie sessions, stand up comedy routines, and of course the all important slumber segment of the evening. This slumber segment is optional, and has been described as 'shite' by one member, who shall remain nameless.

What now?

SLAN will continue to live on in one form or another. It may not happen as often as our members would like, but it certainly is far from being put to rest. Stay tuned to the news page for more information on when SLAN may emerge again.