Sunday, 24 October 2021 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 12:30:40 AM
I'm making a note here, "Huge Success". It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
In other words, I am utterly amazed that this site is still up and running, it's nothing short of a miracle.
That is all.
Saturday, 5 October 2013 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 12:23:27 AM
I have the update for Terraria installed and running now, so a new realm is in order.
Hit up the NEW realm!
Port: 8888
Password: Same as last time
Hit it up, dig a new home, enjoy the stay. Try the fish!
- Dopefish
Sunday, 3 June 2012 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 3:12:21 PM
Greetings and salutations loyal SLANners,
Today's news is that Terraria is back up and running, as is the Ventrilo server.
A brand new realm has been created for Terraria, so join away! Default port of 7777 and the password is the same as last time.
Looking foward to seeing more brilliant bullshit built in game.
Monday, 28 November 2011 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 9:32:33 PM
How do you all feel about a SLAN on the 10th to 11th of December?
You all know how to reach me with your verdict.
Sunday, 3 April 2011 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 9:31:36 PM
Well, now that my server has finished going 'Fukushima' on me, it should be back up and running for a while now. Hard drive failures are bad, mmmkay?
So, if you've rego'd and are looking to confirm, or are still wanting to do so, everything is peachy now.
Go for it.
Friday, 1 April 2011 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 2:01:57 AM
And now for something completely the same...
Registration is open for the May SLAN.
SLANgoers... roll out!
Wednesday, 30 March 2011 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 9:42:10 AM
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
I ask that you consider the evidence before you before passing judgement against the defendant. The facts are simply this:
A SLAN has been called, and has been scheduled for the weekend of 21st and 22nd May, 2011. It has been accused of being many things, but the only factual claim against it has been that it shall be aweseome.
There is a slew of new things to play this time around, and provided that the right numbers are achieved, this one will go off with a bang.
So before passing judgement, consider the facts, and then vote accordingly.
Sunday, 30 January 2011 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 1:47:05 AM
Good people of the SLAN community,
I speak before you today to make two announcements... First, the web facing services of SLAN have been moved to a new server. Second, this was taken as an opportunity to do some things better. Third, there is a new...
I speak before you today to make three announcements. First and second have been covered. Third, there is a new theme for the site which I have been working on for a little while. Fourth, I have put a new...
Amongst the reasons which I am speaking before you today are such diverse elements as the new server, the new back-end, the new theme, the new survey (which would be really cool if you could vote to give me feedback), and finally, there is a whimsical easter egg in the newness. First to point it out gets something as a prize.
Cast your vote here!
Peace, out.
Monday, 10 January 2011 (0 comments)
By: Vigi @ 1:15:35 PM
Just wanted to say thanks for coming up and making the weekend so awesome. I would go as far to say it is the best weekend I have had this year! Lewl
But really it was great to see you guys and hang out. Highlights include large quantities of raw meat, single player poker, enough nerf guns to equip a small army, some terrible helicopter piloting lol, and wonder womans sandy giney!
Hope you all caught up on your sleep and had an uneventful drive back. Hope to catch up soon and look forward to another event up my way some time again this year.
Thursday, 7 October 2010 (0 comments)
By: Dopefish @ 5:51:40 PM
Loyal Constituents,
Registration for the November SLAN has commenced.
You know what to do.
Punch it!
The Management